Instructor Demo & Potluck 2016!!

The Instructor Demo & Pot Luck will be Saturday, May 14th at 5 pm.  You won’t want to miss any of the exciting action!  Come see the instructors, assistant instructors, and future instructors perform – katas, weapons, self-defense, animal forms, and more!  After the action, enjoy good food, and talk to the instructors about their demos.  Family and friends are welcome (students don’t have to be in uniform).

The parking lot will probably be full, so leave enough time in case you have to park on the street, and walk to the dojo to arrive by 5 pm.  When you arrive, put your potluck food into the Women’s Dressing Room (on or under the tables).

Saturday morning classes will meet as usual on the day of the demo.

Berkeley Cuong Nhu Karate, 1819 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, 510-526-4880